Illuminati secrets
It’s Time to Uncover Illusive Illuminati Secrets and Gain the Keys to Unlocking Your Full Quantum Potential! Join the monthly 2-hour webinar to discover your inner secret society and have the chance to ask Sean anything. Access this virtual experience for only $33/month.
You’ve heard of the Illuminati… You've seen Jay-Z, Beyonce, or Kanye throw up the triangle on stage and been mesmerized by the illusion that there is an illusive, private society.
A secret society that holds all of the keys to levels of abundance and exclusivity you’ve only dreamed of – one that is reserved to those born into it, or lucky enough to figure out the codes.
How did they get in?
What is the secret? Can “normal” people access these levels or is it reserved for political figures, celebrities or people like “them”?
What if I told you the illuminati was inside of you, and furthermore, there is no “them”?
What if I told you there is no robe, triangle or mystery you must solve to access this secret society and its knowings, but rather find the clues you’ve left yourself? You don’t need to chase around celebrities, dive into countless conspiracy theories or figure out what dead historical figure holds the keys to your next levels. You don’t need to read 100 money mentality books, or study for days on the secrets of the Universe – you just need to find the secret society within yourself.
You have everything you need inside of you.
Together, we will uncover all that’s blocking your knowing.
sign up
Unlock the keys for $33 per month
The date for the online webinar will be announced soon. It requires no camera participation; just tune in and absorb the information. Interact through the chat box to ask questions. A recording of the event will be available for repeated viewing. This purchase entitles one person to access the event*. For any inquiries or group discount rates, feel free to contact us.
*At this time, we are unable to process refunds for this special masterclass.
Join Sean Clayton LIVE for this rare opportunity and enjoy teachings on:
What the Illuminati, Free Masons and Secret Societies are and what they are not– we will be breaking down the illusions
Navigate the “key members” of the known societies and learn how to mirror their ability to tap into realms of possibility
How to Unlock the “Master Key” within yourself– The Entry Point of “is-ness”
Discover “the triangle” and how it has been shown through multiple religions and history and how this geometric symbol can be used in your daily life
How to create balance within yourself and align your thoughts so you are creating in the Cause plane vs. the Effect plane
How to practically (and impractically) apply these teachings to your day to day life…And More!

about Sean
How can you
set yourself free?
That’s the question Science of Abundance will help you answer!
Sean Clayton was on the fast track to “3D success” many times in his life, with intense interruptions such as time in federal prison, thyroid disease, a fractured lower vertebrae, suicidal thoughts, sexual abuse, attempted marriages and divorces, racism, … business legal trouble and so much more…
Sean’s journey is a testament to turning life’s challenges into triumphs. He embraced spirituality, finding varied ways to awaken, from serendipitous signs to healing techniques. This path helped him not only find strength in his past hardships but also to grow to love his traumas. He used these experiences as a foundation for building thriving businesses, nurturing a loving relationship, establishing an impactful platform, and repairing family ties.
At the heart of his life’s philosophy is a simple yet profound belief: we shape our life experiences to deepen our self-love, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.